Proclaiming Jesus Christ

Greetings to you all dear co-laborers (supporters), family and friends. It is with exceeding joy that we take this time to write to you and share a bit of our doings in the last months.
We would like to THANK YOU ALL that support our ministry here in Honduras. Muchas Gracias!
We definitely wanted to drop a line before heading south of the south. Tomorrow, Lord willing, we will travel to South America and before that I wanted to send you a short update on things.
Our children are doing great. This past June Ruth turned 8, and she looks like she is ten. She is doing great in third grade now. She is very intelligent. She is helping a lot more around the house. She feeds chickens, washes dishes, sets the table, collects the laundry from the wash line, and she washes buckets for daddy after milking. She is a great help.
Isaac will be 5 in November, he is “muy tranquilo”! He likes to go with dad to do chores. He has his own machete to chop stuff off. He rides his bike every day.
Hadassah is 2 now and she is talking. She is “muy bonita” and funny! She likes for me to read books to her. She likes to tell me that the calf is out! That means that our only calf has jumped the fence and is wandering around the house.
Noelia and I are learning to lean and to trust in God.
In the past months, we were invited to have meetings in two different places. First, in Costa Rica, and after two weeks of meetings we drove to visit the Panama Canal. It was a nice experience for us all.
It has been a great blessing to have brother John and sister Anna with us here in Honduras. They have spent at least 5 months of this year here in Honduras. Thank you, Weavers, for dedicating your efforts to the work here in Honduras. Thank you to all of you that invest in God’s work here in Honduras. May the Lord reward you greatly.
God’s Tent (Proclaiming Jesus Christ)
The tent meetings project is going forward. God provided us with a big tent, a trailer to carry it, a sound system and lights. We held the first tent meetings here at our community soccer field and yes, it was a great blessing. And we just held the second tent meetings in Erandique, Lempira, against all odds. We arrived with the tent in Erandique on a Sunday evening. And on Monday we went to set it up. The tent was basically on top of a huge soft rock, to pound the stakes in was a job. We finished setting it up just before dark. So, it was supposed to be rainy season in this area, but when we arrived they told us that it has not rained for about one full month, not even a drop, and as we were setting up the tent one neighbor starting mocking us saying things like, “Are you setting up that tent, to make the rain come?” Esdras told him “Yes”.
We had just finished setting up the tent when the rain came. It poured down. Glory to God! We felt God’s approval on the upcoming event. We held meetings all week. Every day at 6 PM we started. Lots of people came. I was very blessed and encouraged to see some ladies that walked one hour and twenty minutes carrying a baby to come to the meetings. Others walked an hour to come hear God’s infallible Word.
We are looking forward to what God will do with these tent meetings. We have our high expectations in God. As a result of these meetings, people have made decisions for Christ. We are the sowers, and the rest God will do. The next tent meetings are already scheduled and it will be in the Erandique area at a village called Matazano on December 19-26, Lord willing.
This past weekend we had a wedding at our congregation. The following are brother John’s words: “This bride left home 10 years ago at the age of 14. Lived together 10 years, had one son. Recently got born again and started coming to church. Soon they wanted to get married and that happened last night. A beautiful wedding, and beautiful story of redemption. Yes Lord!“
I will leave you now. It is time for me to go to bed and be ready early in the morning to go to the airport with brother John and Anna. They will be going North and we will be going South.
We ask you to please pray for us. We will be in South America for three months.
The Lord bless thee!
In Jeshua,
The Gavarretes
Gracias Padre, Jesus y el espiritu Santo.
Gracias Padre por estos hermanos misioneros, por establecer tu obra, por ir a las Naciones y predicar el evangelio.
Que Dios y nuesyro Jesus los siga bendiciendo y su obrra se sifa expandiendo.
Los amo en el amor de Cristo.