Great is God’s Faithfulness Unto The Gavarretes

To all our supporters, friends, and family, we greet you in Jesus name wishing this newsletter finds you well as you continue to serve the Lord.
Much has happened since we sat down to write an update and it is, as always, difficult to summarize, so we will try our best to briefly if possible to give you a peek into our lives.
Through the Lord’s mercies we are not consumed, Because His compassions fail not. They are new every morning; Great is Your faithfulness. “The Lord is my portion,” says my soul, “Therefore I hope in Him!” The Lord is good to those who wait for Him, To the soul who seeks Him. Lamentations 3.22-25
Praises unto our GREAT God! These verses above express how we feel nowadays; we are grateful for our heavenly Father’s Mercy, Love and Compassion. We have also experienced love and mercy from others; that keeps us humble and grateful. Halleluyah!
We praise God for who He is.
We praise His holy name for His mercy and grace shown unto us.
We praise Jehovah God for protecting us.
We praise the Lord for sustaining and providing for us.
We praise the King of kings for giving us the privilege to declare His glory.
HALLELUYAH to the God of Moses, our God!
Noelia’s Family update
We are happy to share with you the wonders God has done this last past of the year in our children’s life.
Ruth has turned seven years old and has successfully graduated from second grade. She took part on the school’s end of the year ceremony by joining the children singing “Onward Christian Soldiers” both in Spanish and English. She has become more and more of a helping hand at home. She is our little bird, singing songs and making her own. She finds joy doing schoolwork but playing with her friends and siblings is also a true joy. We have bought a smaller size cow and sold our old one so now the children take turns to go to the barn to help Jose with the milking.
Isaac turned four this past November and he is becoming a little big man; especially after his dad bought him a small machete. He has never been so excited about something as now that he has a machete. He wants to work outside the house every single day plus washing it and drying it and taking to wherever we are going, even to Costa Rica. He is the perfect big brother for Hadassah. He is very protective and caring; he even feeds her.
Hadassah is about to turn two years old in two weeks from today. She is a busy little lady and finds her true joy playing with her siblings. She speaks a lot and is able to say words in both languages. She is very adventurous and curious, she likes animals and tries everything Isaac does. For instance how does it feel to climb a tree or kick the ball. She is a sunshine! She is very sensitive and shows compassion towards children, especially babies.
Honduras Political Crisis
This year has been very different than the first three years here in Honduras. Especially this past month with gallbladder surgery for Noelia and political crisis here in Honduras after the elections on the 26th of November, but in all, the almighty God has been and is with us. Thank you, Lord.
This past month especially was out of the norm for us; my cry unto our heavenly father was similar to king David’s:
Truly my soul silently waits for God; From Him comes my salvation.
He only is my rock and my salvation; He is my defense;
I shall not be greatly moved. My soul, wait silently for God alone,
For my expectation is from Him. He only is my rock and my salvation;
He is my defense; I shall not be moved. In God is my salvation and my glory; The rock of my strength, And my refuge, is in God. Trust in Him at all times, you people; Pour out your heart before Him;
God is a refuge for us. Psalms 62.1-2,5-8 Amen.
We continue to learn to trust in our Heavenly Father. We are indeed taking one day at a time. God’s grace has been sufficient for us, through uncertainty, violence, through anything that has come our way this past year. To HIM forever be the glory. MAY OUR LIVES COUNT FOR HIS GLORY.
At Chimizal and Carrizal
We still visit Carrizal, (the village where the clinic is), as a part of our family ministry and it is a place where we like to be. Things at the clinic are going well. Esdras, the administrator, and his family are doing an excellent work. The number of patients this past year was very low compared to previous years we do not know exactly what is the reason. We enjoy visiting the communities when we are there.
The future of the clinic is in the hands of the LORD.
Preaching Ministry
Doors are always open to share the Gospel in various ways, we are very privileged to have the most important message, THE MOST POWERFUL MESSAGE, the most transforming message, the most hopeful message there is for mankind, the GOSPEL of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Canaveral Cortes, is a village near Pena Blanca. We were invited to a congregation in that village to speak about child abuse. After that first time, I was invited again to preach two nights for their 60th some anniversary. The first night I spoke about The message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to we who are being saved it is the power of God. And the second night the subject was: What is the Gospel?
We planted, and the growing and the fruit and the harvest God gives, to HIM be all the glory.
A few days after that same congregation invited us to join them in their walk through a nearby village on the National day of the Bible. So, let me tell you what the walk was about: It was Sunday and early in the morning all the people gathered at some place in the village and when everybody has gathered they held up big banners displaying scriptures about God’s word. Now this big crowd of Christians started walking the roads of that village singing and after a while they made the first stop to give a 15 minutes gospel message and continued walking to finish at the village soccer field where there was singing and a sermon, after that was the meal and then everyone went home. And that was celebrating the National Day of the Bible with a parade. Despite all wickedness that goes on here, this country still holds the bible as the Infallible Word of God, the Final Authority. In many ways Honduras is far more religious than countries like the U.S.
Trip to Costa Rica
Our School Saetas para Cristo successfully closed with graduation evening on the 9th of November, 2017 and… Just the day after school graduation we left for Costa Rica, we encountered so much trouble trying to cross the border into Nicaragua, that it took us two days just to cross into Nicaragua. We were heading to Jennifer Dueck’s wedding which was to be held on Sunday November 12 at 2:00 PM and we made it to their house right at 1:00 PM, just an hour before the wedding, but thank the Lord we successfully made it to the wedding celebration. Then for the following weekend we were invited to another wedding where we made it on time. In the days we were in Costa Rica we visited with the Dueck’s often and had a precious time with them, they showed us around and we thanked them for the kindness they showed us. We visited other families who we’d also like to thank for food and lodging.
I was invited to preached one Sunday at La Lucha church house and we were encouraged to be there with those dear people. Lord willing, we are planning to go back to that church in March of 2018 for evangelistic meetings.
Our last days in Costa Rica we visited our friends The Hostetler’s from Harmony NC. It was nice to catch up with them and to see where they live and serve. Lord willing, we will also be going back to that congregation to hold some meetings in March of 2018.
Noelia’s surgery
From Noelia,
I was experiencing sharp pains on my right side just above the ribs for the whole year on and off. With some research done we realized it was my gallbladder. Though I tried to stay away from food that would trigger the pain it came to the point that I couldn’t bear it any longer. Finally, one Sunday afternoon we headed out to the hospital and we had difficulties due to road blockages, people protesting after elections, for supposed fraud, but God made a way for us and a couple of hours later we made it to Hospital Evangelico. After tests were done we were told that my gallbladder was so full of tiny stones that there was no treatment available, only surgery to remove it. So, we prayed and we felt the Lord was leading us to go forward with the surgery and praise the Lord everything went well, we were at the hospital five days and then released. The recovery has been slow and painful but with much of God’s grace we are doing fine. I don’t have pain anymore but I have to watch my diet so my liver doesn’t work harder due to the intake of grease.
George and Jenny
George and Jenny and Dominic Rutler moved back to the U.S. in December. We highly appreciate their investment in God’s kingdom here in Honduras. We are already missing you. May the Lord prosper your paths.
John and Anna Weaver
It is wonderful to again have brother John and sister Anna around here for a longer period of time. They arrived here on December the 25Th and soon after they came they prepared a special dinner for us all. They brought with them an offering that was collected for us missionary’s families in the churches in the U.S. that support Christian Light Missions. We as a family would like to thank you all for your generous gift, MUCHAS GRACIAS!
A couple of weeks later we went with brother John and Anna, Brother Jeremiah and Sandra Martin to Carrizal, Lempira (clinic) to make a special dinner for the clinic staff and brother John took them the offering that was collected for every one of them as well.
Thank you, brother John and Anna for coming and investing in all our lives. Please know that we highly appreciate what you do.
To all of you who are giving support in many ways to us, we are forever grateful, please know that we are praying for you. Thank you for investing in whatever way into God’s kingdom, may HE reward your giving.
We would like to ask for your prayers, as you take time to go to God in prayer remember us.
- For God’s will in our family.
- In March, Lord willing, we are planning to travel to Costa Rica to hold a few days of meetings.
- Lord willing, we are soon going to start the visa process to travel to the U.S. for Charity Missions Conference to be held at the end of March 2018.
- Beginning this year, we also would like to present unto God our missionary trip to South America, we desire His will in the matter.
- For the future tent meetings we plan to hold in the months ahead.
May God bless and strengthen you as you continue to share the gospel, I enjoyed your update a lot, thanks for sharing.. Aaron
Thank you also brother Aaron for investing in us here in Honduras. thank you for taking the time to read our newsletter it means a lot to us.
Gracias por enviarnos notivias de uds.
Que Dios sirmpre los ayude y les de sabiduria, sabrmoz que asi Dios lo hacd para ls obra que les ha encomendado.
Diod los siga bendiciendo, mi amor y apyo para Uds.
Gracias Hermana Gladys, saludos desde Honduras!
This is so beautiful…. And the Lord has blessed you so. Love reading the journey God has put you on.
Thank you my dear friend Susan!
Glory Adios Mi Hermano!!
su inversión en la eternidad es muy notada
Amen, Josh Tucker!
Praise God for all the work He is doing through y’all and those in Honduras! Praying for you all… and hope to see you at missions conference Lordwilling!
Thank you Hannah! sorry we did not make it to Missions Conference. Thank you for your encouraging message.