The Gavarretes News 2016 #2

Greetings to you in the Name of Jesus from this part of the Americas where it has been very hot for many months, but now by God’s grace we are starting to experience heavy rain!!! And when it rains in Honduras, it rains! But we are not complaining. There is no place in the world we would rather be right now, because this is where the Lord wants us! Halleluyah!!!!
The beginning of the year found us settled in our new village, El Eden. We moved here at the end of November. We are very happy to have nice, large bedrooms and a large living area to share with our friends and families. We are still learning gardening in Honduras. Some things work, others don’t, so we keep trying… There are many growing fruit trees on the property like maranion, nance, paternas, starfruit, sugar cane, pineapple, bananas, lemons, and soon, lichas, all very tasty and tropical fruits. We have built a chicken pen now that holds chickens and turkeys and yes, we collect eggs every day! Our cow has had a calf so now we also enjoy fresh milk every day. We don’t use it all so we sell and give some away. Brother David Yoder, Leroy, and Philip built a parlor to milk the cow. We are blessed with God’s gifts to us!!
Children update
Our Hadassah was born on February ninth at a small clinic in Siguatepeque, a town close to home. Due to some complications, a c-section was required. We praise the Lord God for a healthy baby and a fast recovery! ( The name Hadassah is derived from the Hebrew word hadas (Heb. הדס), a myrtle tree from the Myrtaceae family. The myrtle has a pleasant fragrance. The righteous are called myrtles, and likened to a good tree with a pleasant smell. Why was she called Hadassah? Because the righteous are called myrtles. As it states in Zechariah 1:8: “And he was standing among the myrtles [the righteous prophets Chananiah, Mishael and Azariah].” Hadassah was the name of Queen Esther, who was not afraid to live among non-Jews and to show an example of how a Jew must be proud of his or her inheritance, and to live everyday life in the same direction, with happiness and much success. May the Lord our God give to our Hadassah that same courage to live both among non-Christians and Christians and to show an example of how a true Christian must live.
Also Emilie Misko from NC came to help us during that time and indeed, she was a tremendous blessing for all of us. Our baby is five months old now, and she is very active and happy, especially if she is around her siblings. Thank you to all of you who helped us by praying. God has once again heard our cry.
We have begun another school year at our house and of course, Ruth is again our only student. She is now in first grade and she loves school! She is an excellent student and we are so proud of her, and we rejoice with her for how she is discovering the richness of reading and writing. She is especially thankful that the Lord answered her prayer by sending Hadassah to her life. She is our big helper and our best babysitter. Isaac is our big farmer boy, milking the cow, and spending his time with Dad is the highlight of his day. He also enjoys feeding the calf its bottle. He had to adjust to the new baby in our family, and it has not been very easy for him, but it was a stage that we hope is finished. He is also in our school. Coloring and learning from flashcards is what he does the most. He likes Hadassah especially when we ask him to play with her or feed her a bottle. We are enjoying this stage of parenting with its challenges and sweet times. We believe God is in it too.
We are still continuing to support the different outreaches that the local church has, which includes visiting Yure in the mountains, the TV program in Las Vegas, preaching once a month in Siguatepeque (this is not always possible. There are months we can not make it), visiting the work in Carrizal where the clinic is located, (the church in Carrizal is growing), and the local church.
Clinic News
Esdras and his family are the new temporary administrators of the clinic. They have two little girls and 2 little boys. They come from Jesus de Otoro and he is a pastor from the Holiness group. They are doing a great job!

Oneida is a dear sister in Carrizal who is determined to learn how to play her guitar to worship the King of kings!
For the first time, we had a joint Health Brigade with Salt and Light Ministry. This ministry has their headquarters near us in El Eden. The director of this ministry here in Honduras is a brother from the area and he attends our congregation here in El Eden. We traveled all the way to Carrizal on May twentieth, and on the morning of May twenty first, our clinic staff, and Sal y Luz staff traveled to the bottom of Chimizal, the village where the brigade was done for very first time. The road to that part of the village was a real challenge. Some places were very steep and muddy but by God’s grace we made it safely there and back!
Presently, we are filling in for the Martins who are on furlough in the States, so we are busier than usual. What a wonderful thing that God uses weak beings like us to be co-builders of His Kingdom!!
May God receive honor and glory for the things that have happened in the last six months. I would just like to mention a few of them: Jorge and Jenny’s Wedding (from Yure), a few young people were baptized, deliverance, replacing half of the church house roof, and replacing the roof at the guest house in Carrizal, remodeling the house beside the church house, a few people have decided to follow Jesus, etc…
Last week at for our bible study in the village called Yure, we were invited to have the meeting at the house of the only Christian in the group of people that we visit once a week. Brother David Yoder was along, and with passion burning in his chest, he shared the marvelous old redemption story. No one made a public confession to follow Christ in that meeting, but we are confident that the Word of the Lord will not return void. Before we left that very tiny, poor house, the lady came to me, and gave me the best they had to offer as an act of gratitude for our visit. As she handed me the small chicken, she said, “This is for you”. I do not know how to describe to you how I felt the rest of that rainy evening while going back home, but one thing I clearly remember is the satisfaction I felt and still feel in preaching the most wonderful message ever, THE GOSPEL. May the Lord God receive honor and glory from our lives. HE is worthy!
We were privileged to have visitors from the States in the past months. They are always a blessing to us. Brother John and Anna Weaver came at the beginning of the year with the Mullets who shared with us a two day missionaries’ retreat where we could connect with each other and be encouraged by this family’s testimony.
Aaron Martin and some members of his family also visited us and stayed here at the house with us. Thank you brother for all you do for us!!
Steve Zimmerman also came for few days to supervise the work at the bookstore. Also Brother James Peight came for a few days and spent his time talking to us and encouraging us. Mary and David Yoder were staying here for two weeks at the Martin’s place, and they were a tremendous blessing. We thank you for coming to show your support to us, and investing time in Honduras. To all, God bless you richly. And it was very nice to see Brother Junior and Mattie again. They left this morning. Thank you for coming.
Brother David and Sister Mary Yoder
Thank you very much for coming, and serving us and serving with us. For going places with us to preach. For sure, you will never forget the last time you preached on TV, or the last time you rode more than 100 kilometers on rough, dirt, rocky roads. Thank you for the interest you take in God’s work in Honduras. May the Lord richly bless you.
Farewells and new additions
Between the months of January and March, two families went back to the States, the Troyers and the Bylers, both families from the Cleveland Church in NC. We missionaries got together for a farewell and to thank them for their work here. Also, we welcome Philip Troyer and Enos Shrock who have decided to join us in the work of the Lord here in Honduras. Jenifer and George Rutler, and baby boy Dominic, have also moved to Honduras to serve the Lord Jesus with us.
Earlier this year, we sent a newsletter about the Saetas Para Cristo School and the new teachers that have come to help us with school. We once again thank them for coming and giving their time in Honduras as unto the Lord. May He also receive glory from their lives!
- We praise the Lord God for His goodness unto us, for His Salvation, Protection, and Provision.
- We would like to ask you to continually keep us in your prayers and we also would like to hear from you.
We thank all of you who prayed for us and who believe in our calling. May we faithfully continue our race to reach the end.
Colossians 3
I am running the race of the ages
That race is the footsteps of Christ
And I am determined to win it
I want to lay hold of the prize.
I run every step with purpose
I am going straight for the goal
For I’ve got my eyes set on the prize
I am willing to sacrifice all.
I’m not just trying to make it
I am running to win!
And the prize set before me
Is that I’ll bring glory
To Jesus my coach and my King.
By: Lysanne Gray
Greetings my friend…so good to hear from you!!! New baby!!! You are getting quite a family…they are precious!..So good to see you so happy doing what God has sent you to do. We think of you often…I just said yesterday that I have not had a letter for a long while….and today…..letter came!!! The children look happy and healthy and I hope Noele has recovered from the birth well….I pray for you and all the people there who do not know Christ…I know your ministry is a blessing to many!!
Queridos José y Nohelia:
Desde Nicaragua les envío un fuerte abrazo y muchísimas bendiciones a su hermosa familia. Felicidades por la dulce presencia de Hadassa, gran bendición al igual que sus otros dos hijos, los cuales se ven fuertes, sanos y felices.
Siempre los recuerdo con mucho cariño y me lleno de moción al ver como aún existen personas DETERMINADAS a compartir el evangelio, a llevar la palabra aún en lugares tan alejados sin importar el sacrificio y obstáculos que puedan presentarse.
Les deseo de todo corazón que el amor, la paz y la cobertura de nuestro Padre Celestial esté siempre con ustedes. y que sea Jesús siempre habitando y morando en su hogar.
Muchas Bendiciones!!
I enjoyed your update so much again along with all the pictures, especially the the children with calf ect…. God bless you as you bless others…Aaron